Exercise in the water is safe and easy for everyone! Plus, the weightlessness of water takes the painful pounding of gravity completely away. Water is the way to gain range of motion and burn calories without aches and pains.
All water fitness classes are FREE to Y Members!
Aqua Fit
Participants will be lead through a variety of stretches and cardiovascular routines that are safe for those with knee and hip problems. This class is also good for people who are just starting back into an exercise program. Participants can follow along in either the deeper or shallow ends of the pool.
Class Details
Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 – 9:45 am
Y Member: Free
Non-Member: $48.00
Margo Wagoner
Enjoy the soothing properties of the water while reaping the benefits of a low-to-no impact workout. Class focuses on cardiovascular exercises as well as utilizing the resistance of the water for muscle strengthening, range of motion and flexibility.
Class Details
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 am – 9:45 am
Y Member: Free
Non-Member: $72.00
Mary Jane McVey & Jill Ruot
Water In Motion
This class is the newest aqua-exercise workout that provides a low impact, high-energy challenge for participants of all ages, skill and fitness levels. Jump in and make a splash with this dynamic cardiovascular workout that tones and tapers the entire body! With land equivalent intensity, and fantastic sing-along quality music, it’s easy to enjoy the pure fun of the 55-minute water extravaganza. Aqua-phobes will become aqua-fans when they “Catch The Wave!” Class takes place in the shallow end of the pool.
Class Details
Tuesday & Thursday, 6:15 – 7:15 pm
Saturday, 8:45-9:45 am
Tuesday & Thursday:
Y Member: Free
Non-Member: $48.00
Saturday only:
Y Member: Free
Non-Member: $24.00
Amme Barr
Aqua Blast
Challenge yourself in this exhilarating high intensity workout!! Fast paced intervals utilizing the waters resistance will help improve your overall fitness. Be prepared to have a BLAST and get fit at the same time. Class takes place in the shallow end of the pool.
Class Details
Monday & Wednesday 10:00 – 10:45am
Y Member: Free
Non-Member: $48.00
Jill Ruot
Lap Walk / Swim
The Christian County YMCA offers an ongoing program to document and give recognition for member’s swim/walk miles. Members interested in the program should ask the front desk, or contact the Y at 217-287-7271.