Day Camp 2023

Summer Day Camp


We look forward to serving your family and don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or need clarification.  Phones are typically answered Mon. – Fri., 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Care is Offered  M-Fri. from June 5-August 11, 2023.

6:00 am – 6:00 pm

2023 Rates  (Sibling discounts available for members)

3 Days or Less of  Camp/Week

  • Member:     $90.00
    • Additional Child- $85.00
  • Non-member:      $115.00

4-5 Days of Camp/Week

  • Member:     $115.00
    • Additional Child-$105.00
  • Non-member:  $150.00

A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed for every 15 minutes a child(ren) are picked up after 6:00pm. Please communicate with the YMCA if a parent or guardian is running late. 

** Christian County YMCA membership must be valid at time of registration to receive member rates and must remain valid until last day of camp attendance.

2023 Day Camp Registration Form

Day Camp Registration Form for additional children in family

Parent Handbook


Ask about our Summer Youth Membership that is available for ONLY $95.00! 

Financial Assistance 

It is our goal to ensure that no one is denied services due to an inability to pay. Therefore, we offer options for financial assistance to those who qualify. One option for financial assistance is provided by the Community Child Care Connections (CCCC) program. Upon approval, your family will be assigned a monthly co-pay to be paid to the YMCA. Applications for the CCCC are available at the Christian County YMCA. If your family does not qualify for the CCCC, they can apply for scholarship through the Christian County YMCA. Scholarships are determined on a sliding fee scale. Scholarship dollars are provided by generous donors contributing to our annual Strong Kids Campaign. If you would like to help the YMCA fulfill its mission by supporting our Strong Kids campaign, please contact the YMCA at (217) 287-7271 for more information. 

Policy of Inclusion 

To the extent it is reasonably possible, and within the limitation of not-for-profits provided in the ADA, YMCA Youth Development programs will provide services to children with disabilities, or any special needs child, in the same manner as services are provided for other children of comparable age. YMCA Youth Development Programs are group centered programs; they do not provide one-on-one care, except on an intermittent basis, such as for injuries, immediate disciplinary issues and certain personal care needs customarily provided to all children. If a YMCA staff member determines that a special needs child requires individual one-on-one attention, the YMCA shall immediately discuss this issue with the child’s parents. Parents shall be reminded of the above policy. Together, the YMCA and parents shall attempt to work out a solution or refer the child to a more suitable program. 

Personal Belongings

The YMCA cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. We suggest leaving all personal items at home or school. The following items should NOT be brought to our program; cell phone, iPads, electronic devices, weapons of any kind. If any of these items are brought to the program, they may be confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of the day and disciplinary action may be taken. 

Pick-up Procedures 

Siblings who are 16 years of age or older may pick-up if they are on the authorized pick-up form. YMCA Youth Development Staff will only release your child to persons authorized on your enrollment form. YMCA Youth Development staff will attempt to call the emergency number on your file if your child is not picked up by closing time. If no one can be contacted within 30 minutes and no parental/guardian communication has occurred, the YMCA Youth Development staff is required to notify the local police department and place the child in their care. The YMCA child abuse prevention policies prohibit YMCA staff from transporting a child in their vehicles. 

General Child Care Safety 

  • No child may leave the YMCA without an authorized adult who will sign the child out at the departure time.
  • Children must remain in the presence of childcare staff.
  • Permission must be given by the childcare staff to leave the immediate group.
  • If a child needs to go to another YMCA program, parents should report to the childcare staff of their program and the time they would be returning to the program.
  • No fighting, hitting, pinching, biting, kicking, spitting or any other physical harm to others will be tolerated.
  • Theft and foul language will not be tolerated .
  • Children and parents will be asked to follow school and YMCA Youth Development program rules. All property of the school and childcare program will be respected.
  • The group will clean up all food, garbage and activity messes with staff supervision before going to another activity.
  • No food, other than the snack, will be allowed. Gum chewing is not allowed.
  • All clothing, book bags, lunch boxes, etc. should be clearly marked with the child’s name. The staff will not be responsible for personal items lost, stolen or broken.
  • Parents are responsible for the discipline of their child only.
  • Respect for the rights of others is required at all times.

Health and Illness

A sick child is to be kept at home, for his or her own sake and that of others. Many communicable diseases begin with cold-like symptoms. A child is considered ill when he/she has the following: fever, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, red eyes, cough, mouth sores, etc. 

The YMCA Youth Development Coordinator and/or Counselor should be informed about the nature of any illness. If a child becomes ill while in our care, a staff member will contact the parents and request that the child is picked up. Parents need to come immediately, within 30 minutes. Until the sick child is picked up, the child will be isolated as much as possible.



Registration & Payment Procedures

Fees are based on when your child(ren) attends. You will be charged for the entire AM, PM or both sessions that your child(ren) attends. We do not prorate for time your child(ren) is present. 

Registration Fees:

Must be paid before registration papers will be accepted.   $25.00 per individual or $45.00 per family.   This fee is waived for anyone currently in our childcare program if registered by May 5, 2023.

Payment Options:

Prepay Accounts:

  • Is not an option at this time

Bank Draft Accounts:

  • Drafted bi-monthly on the 15th and 28th of each month.
  • No surcharges are taken out.
  • Returned drafts will incur a $25.00 fee.

Credit/Debit Accounts:

  • Drafted bi-monthly on the 15th and 28th of each month.
  • A 3% surcharge will be added to debit and credit card drafts.
  • Returned drafts will incur a $25.00 fee.

Tracking Your Account

It will be your responsibility to keep track of your account and the payments that will be due. If you would like to view your account balance at any time, please call the Y and ask for the Associate Executive Director or the Aquatic Director.


We will turn overdue or outstanding accounts over to Credit Collection Partners. We will turn accounts over if we have made attempt to bill you and your account is more than 30 days overdue. We are unable to make changes to accounts after they have been submitted.  You will be responsible for past due balances plus the collection fees charged by Credit Collection Partners.


 If there are changes in your schedule during the week, simply call the Y at (217) 287-7271. 

Financial Assistance / State Assistance 

It is the goal of the Y that no one be denied the benefit of a membership or program participant due to financial limitations. If, for any reason, you cannot afford the fee, contact the Y for an application to find out if you qualify for financial assistance. Applications take approximately two weeks to process and must be filled out completely with all of the requirements fulfilled.  If you choose to participate in the program while your application is being processed, you must pay the child care fees until approved.  Registration fees are not discounted with financial assistance and must be paid at time of registration.

The Y also accepts payment from Illinois State Funded Agencies. You will need to contact a case worker to start this process.

  • DCFS: 217-824-9649
  • Community Child Care Connection: 217-525-2805.  Applications are available at the front desk, but it is your responsibility to submit the application.
  • Work Force: 217-824-4838.  Must be a full time student.

If third party only pays for a partial week, then you are responsible for the remaining balance for your child care.

If you choose to participate in the program while your application is being processed, you must pay the registration and child care fees until approved.

Families cannot receive both State Funded Agency Assistance and YMCA Financial Assistance to pay for child care programs at the same time but YMCA Financial assistance can be applied to membership while receiving State Funded assistance for child care.




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