24 Hour Access

24 Hour Access to gym and Wellness Center

24 Hour Access for members is now available.  Key fobs can be bought at the front desk during open building hours or purchased online and picked up at front desk to finish procedure.

  • Each member wanting 24-hour access will be required to have their own access fob.  The first fob for each unit is $10.00 and for family and couple units – additional fobs can be purchased for $5.00 each.  These are one-time fees.
  • 24 Hour Access is limited to members 16 years or older.  Younger children can be brought but must have their own key fob and must be supervised by their parent or guardian.
  • Access will is through the double doors on the West side of the Gymnasium with available parking in that location.
  • If you provide access to anyone that does not have their own fob or an unpaid guest; you will be charged a fee and your privileges will be revoked.
  • Fobs may not be shared with any other individuals (including family members). Each member must scan their own fob in individually even if arriving as a group.
  • Smile you are on camera! A video surveillance system will be in use at all times and will be reviewed daily to ensure 24 Hour Access rules are being followed.
  • 24 Hour Access is limited to the Gymnasium and Wellness Center; the remainder of the facility is off limits, including behind the counter of the concessions counter.

Covid Waiver (Need only one adult per unit to sign)

To Purchase a Fob

To buy additional Fobs for Family members

Guest pass policy for 24 hour access

  • Limited to guests 16 years of age and older
  • This guest pass is only for the hours that the building is closed.  Access and privileges will be revoked if this policy is not followed.
  • Members with 24-hour access will be allowed to bring guests.  Guests passes can be purchased at any time on our app or on this website.
  • If members allow access to anyone that does not have their own fob or an unpaid guest; that member will be required to pay for the guest pass(es) and privileges will be revoked.
  • Each guest will be required to create an account on Daxko before registering for guest pass.


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