Parent Handbook


Parent Handbook


The Christian County YMCA is a non-profit organization serving Christian County.   We offer programming for all ages.  It is our goal to ensure that no one is denied services due to an inability to pay.  We offer a wide range of services from parent/child swim lessons, group exercise classes, youth and adult sports, childcare services, as well as a full-service workout facility.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion or gender in our programs or employment practices.

At the core of our programming and services is our mission: “To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.” 



The goal of our CCYMCA program is to help participants grow spiritually, physically and mentally. The program also strives to provide challenging activities in both small and large group settings under the guidance of caring, well-trained staff members and gives children an experience that lasts a lifetime!

At CCYMCA, you can expect your child to receive:

  • Quality care
  • Encouragement to develop to their fullest potential
  • Fun games and activities daily
  • A safe and positive learning environment
  • Character development



Children participate in a variety of activities during camp including art projects, swimming, indoor and outdoor games, time on the playground, quiet/reading time, movie and popcorn day and many more.

Drop Off

  • 6:00-9:00 a.m. (May be modified to reflect participants needs)
  • Parents must walk child into building and sign attendance sheet

Pick Up

  • 3:30-6:00 p.m. (May be modified to reflect participants needs)
  • Parents can pick up in either the Classroom or the playground area (weather permitting)



6:00 am – 6:00 pm



Remember to label all items brought to the program.  Encourage your child to be responsible for personal belongings. The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We suggest leaving all personal items at home. 

The following is a list of items NOT to be brought to the program:

  • Electronics (including hand held games and phones)
  • Knives
  • Any Type of Weapons

Phones will be placed into the phone holder area for safe keeping.  They are returned to the children when they leave for the day or if they wish to contact parents.  

If these items are brought to the program, they may be confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of the day and disciplinary action may be taken.



  • Children must bring two snacks and a lunch daily. If the snacks or meals need to be kept cold, cold packs must be brought from home as refrigeration may not always be available. 
  • Water bottles are necessary. They will be able to refill these throughout the day.  
  • Campers will wash hands before and after eating.



Surfaces and Supplies will be sanitized regularly throughout the day and again at the end of each day. 



Children and staff will also be washing their hands before and after eating, after large motor and/or outside activities, before and after cooking projects, after handling a pet, after using the bathroom and after wiping or blowing his or her nose.



  • Follow directions.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Stay in assigned areas with a staff person at all times.
  • Walk and talk quietly when inside
  • Respect staff, others and their property.
  • Use good manners at all times using appropriate language and 


  • Violent games, toys and play are not allowed.
  • Honesty is always the best policy.



  • No child may leave the camp without an authorized adult who will sign the child out while recording the departure time.
  • Children must remain in the presence of childcare staff.
  • Permission must be given by the childcare staff to leave the immediate group.
  • No fighting, hitting, pinching, biting, kicking, spitting or any other physical harm to others will be tolerated.
  • Theft and foul language will not be tolerated.
  • Children and parents will be asked to follow YMCA Youth Development program rules.  All property of the Y and childcare program will be respected.
  • The group will clean up all food, garbage and activity messes with staff supervision before going to another activity.  
  • No food, other than the child’s two snacks will be allowed. 
  • Gum is not allowed.
  • All clothing, book bags, lunch boxes, etc. should be clearly marked with the child’s name.  The staff will not be responsible for personal items lost, stolen or broken.
  • Parents are responsible for the discipline of their child only.
  • Respect for others is required at all times.



The YMCA fully embraces the Americans with Disabilities Act and would like all special needs children to feel welcome in YMCA programs.

To the extent it is reasonably possible, and within the limitation of not-for-profits provided in the ADA, YMCA Youth Development programs will provide services to children with disabilities, or any special needs child, in the same manner as services are provided for other children of comparable age.

YMCA Youth Development Programs are group centered programs; they do not provide one-on-one care, except on an intermittent basis, such as for injuries, immediate disciplinary issues and certain personal care needs customarily provided to all children.

If a YMCA staff member determines that a special needs child requires individual one-on-one attention, the YMCA shall immediately discuss this issue with the child’s parents.  Parents shall be reminded of the above policy.  Together, the YMCA and parents shall attempt to work out a solution or refer the child to a more suitable program.



At the Christian County YMCA, we believe that discipline is an essential part of creating a safe, respectful, and supportive environment for all children in our programs. Our approach to discipline is rooted in the following principles:

  • Guidance with Clear Limits: We guide children by setting clear and consistent limits for acceptable behavior.
  • Mistakes as Learning Opportunities: We view mistakes as valuable opportunities for children to learn and grow.
  • Promoting Acceptable Behavior: We help children understand and practice acceptable behavior.
  • Active Listening: We listen attentively when children express their feelings and frustrations.
  • Conflict Resolution: We guide children in resolving conflicts and model problem-solving skills to support their social and emotional development.

Corporal punishment or abusive language of any kind is strictly prohibited in all Christian County YMCA programs.

Our discipline policy is designed to promote self-discipline and acceptable behavior while being mindful of each child’s individual needs and developmental stage. Positive reinforcement is the cornerstone of our approach. However, when unacceptable behavior occurs, the following steps will be taken:

Discipline Procedures

  • Timeouts: Used to help children regain control in response to minor offenses. These will be documented on a Timeout Sheet, which will be shared with parents.
  • Conduct Reports: Issued for major offenses or when a pattern of minor offenses persists.
    • If a child receives 5 Timeout Sheets, a Conduct Report will be issued.
    • Consequences for Conduct Reports:
      • 1 Conduct Report: 1-day suspension from the program.
      • 2 Conduct Reports: 3-day suspension from the program.
      • 3 Conduct Reports: Suspension from the program until the end of the session.

After each offense, parents will be promptly contacted to discuss the incident and next steps. In cases where behavior issues persist, parents and the counselor(s) will collaborate to address the situation and create a plan for improvement.

The Christian County YMCA is committed to fostering a positive and nurturing environment where children can thrive. Thank you for partnering with us to support the growth and well-being of all children in our care.

In extreme cases, the Program Director may determine that a child’s continued participation in the program is not feasible due to behavioral concerns. Expulsion from the program is for one calendar year. There will be no refund of program fees. The Christian County YMCA and its staff have the right to expel any child based on behavior for safety reasons.



We strongly discourage any outside communication between staff and children and child-to-child without parent permission. We communicate to our staff that they need to continue to follow our mission and core values in the YMCA Youth Development including the use of the internet and on social networking websites.  Please monitor your children’s technology use and communication for their safety and well-being.



In the event of a court-ordered legal custody situation whereby either parent of the enrolled child has visitation restrictions; we must have in the child’s file a written and dated statement along with a stamped copy of your legal custody papers that have been signed and dated by a judge. We must follow the law when it comes to restricting a parent’s rights to information and access to their child.  Unless we have court-ordered legal papers on file, parents will not be restricted.  

In the event of a court-ordered legal custody situation whereby a parent is not allowed to pick up the child without the other’s consent, we ask that you state in writing that you have legal custody and the person (name and relationship) who does not have a legal right to pick up your child while in our care.  The written and dated statement must be on file with the YMCA along with a stamped copy of your legal custody papers, which have been signed by a judge.



Please be aware that the Child Protection Law mandates the YMCA to report to DCFS any “suspected” case of child abuse or neglect.  If a “suspected” case of abuse does occur and the offender is thought to be a parent, a report will be made to DCFS.  When there is “suspected” abuse and the offender is thought to be someone other than a parent, staff will also consult with the parents of the child.  



In the event of an emergency, our number one priority will be to ensure the safety and security of all program participants.  As time permits, we will make every effort to inform parents and/or guardians of all pertinent information.



If your child is injured at camp, the staff will take necessary steps to obtain emergency medical care.  These steps may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Attempts to contact parent/guardian
  • Attempts to contact the parent/guardian through persons listed on the emergency information record.

If parental/guardian contact is not made, we will do any or all of the following:

  • Call an ambulance or fire rescue
  • Administer CPR, band-aids or ice packs if needed.

An accident report will be completed by the YMCA staff and filed.



Children will not be disciplined for bathroom accidents while in our care and the use of the bathroom will not be used as a form of punishment. Children prone to accidents should bring a change of clothes. Children must be fully potty trained and able to take care of their own bathroom needs before they can register for the program.

The withholding of food or treats will not be used as a form of discipline. However, if a child is using inappropriate behavior, they will be moved to a table away from the group.



Sick Child Policy

  • Isolation- Child will be put in room separate from others and attended by Day Camp staff until parent arrives. 


A sick child is to be kept at home, for his or her own sake and that of others.  Many communicable diseases begin with cold-like symptoms.  A child is considered ill when he/she has the following:

  • An elevated temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher
  • Vomiting
  • An unidentified rash or a contagious rash
  • Diarrhea
  • Weepy and red eyes (could be conjunctivitis (pink eye) which is very contagious)
  • A communicable disease
  • Any evidence of head lice
  • Excessive cough and/or nasal discharge
  • Mouth sores
  • Any other symptoms that prevent your child from participating in the day’s activities

The YMCA Youth Development Director and/or Counselor should be informed about the nature of any illness. 

If a child becomes ill while in our care, a staff member will contact the parents and request that the child is picked up. Parents need to come immediately. Until the sick child is picked up, the child will be isolated.



Non-prescription medicines will be only given out with a note from the parent.  Only prescription medicine in original bottles will be given at a YMCA program.  Prescription medicines must include the child’s name, prescription number, doctor’s name, administration quantity and time. Parents must give all medications directly to the Coordinator/Counselors and fill out a medicine consent form. At this time, the medicine will be locked up out of the reach of the children. At no time are children permitted to be in possession of medicines. 



If weather becomes bad during the program, staff will call parents to arrange early pick-up, if possible. Staff will stay with children until they are picked up by parent/guardian or authorized individuals.  



Regarding conflicts or behavior concerns at home or school, we ask that you communicate anything that may affect your child’s behavior in the YMCA Program.  Please keep us informed of such issues in order to prepare staff to properly respond to your child and be sensitive to your child’s needs. The childcare staff should be informed of resolution strategies arranged between the parents and school for smooth implementation.



Involvement of parents in the program is essential and strongly encouraged, along with cooperation of all policies and procedures. Take time to talk to the staff about your child and ask your child about the program each day. You can also volunteer to help within the YMCA after discussing such involvement with the Program Director or the Executive Director.



Any parent/guardian, authorized person or site personnel who display any one of the following behaviors will not be allowed at the Christian County YMCA:

  • Physical abuse, shaking, grabbing, hitting, pushing, etc.
  • Verbal abuse
  • Alcoholic beverage or drugs
  • Smoking at the YMCA

If YMCA staff suspect a parent/guardian of alcohol/substance abuse or observes child abuse, the police will be called.  The YMCA’s first responsibility is the safety of the child.



Please use the following information for the filing of Childcare tax credit/deductions:

Christian County YMCA

900 McAdam Drive

Taylorville, IL   62568

Tax ID number is 37-1071231

Year-end statements with the amount paid are emailed to billing contact address at the end of January.  A paper copy can be mailed if requested. 


In order to better serve all children, if your child has special needs, an IEP or 504 Plan must be submitted before your child is enrolled in any YMCA Program to help us assess and staff for any special needs.


Questions and concerns about the policies and procedures of the YMCA Child Care Program can be directed to the Program Director or the Executive Director.

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